Habit or Priorities?

Life and business are composed of activities and actions leading to a destination that was only once a vision.

Recently, I’ve been hearing a lot of people speaking of life being so busy, having little extra time and that already over ¼ of the year is completed. Time feels like it is speeding up.

Do you find this to be true for your life too?

Here’s something to ponder:

How are you living your life? Do you think about what you would like and go after it or take what life gives you?

Businesswoman hands holding sign What is important to youWe all have conscious and unconscious habits.

Unconscious habits automatically occur; they are connected with our behaviors which are connected to our beliefs. Many of your beliefs have come from society, and families as well as your own life experience and the stories you tell yourself.

Conscious habits come from deciding what you want from life and business and then making those things a priority for some time and then become a habit.

Each of the key areas of your life deserve some attention. It is not enough just to think about it.

Making your life a priority means:

1. Identifying your priorities in each area of life and/or business.

2. Breaking the priorities in each area of life into sub-priorities and action items.

3. Starting to schedule them into your life, by writing them in your planner or on the schedule.

Imagine how your life will feel and what will be happening as you are making yourself a priority. As you do this, see yourself in the short-term as well as long-term.

What I have noticed from people who do this is that their relationship with themselves and those close to them becomes much richer and purposeful.  Richer in greater fulfillment and becoming financially richer is a by-product.

For many people it is your habit that is deciding what to do and how to live life. I have seen from clients that they intellectually may know it is about defining priorities, however they end finding that “life happens”.

We’ve all heard before that people don’t plan to fail, they just fail to plan.

And it’s true. This shows up in various areas of our lives.

You can see it show up in daily living with too much month left and not enough money. Fortunately (or unfortunately) the pattern continues because you can use your credit card and the equity in your house. However this is not a good long-term plan. The credit buys you some time to make changes.

Another area is health. Who plans to get sick? I don’t know anyone who says I am planning to get sick, however I have heard some people say “Well, my brother and dad died at 63 so I might too” or “That family member had an ailment that is genetic that caused problems.”.

I urge those people who think like this out of habit to change that and look into the work of Bruce Lipton and the Biology of Belief.

I’d love to know… How do you want to feel and how do you want the quality of your health to be into your 80’s and 90’s and beyond?  

My Star Clients affirm to themselves and take proactive action to care for their body, mind and soul. They say to themselves, “I look and feel great!”  They have great health and an abundance of energy despite their full schedules. They live based on their priorities that then become healthy habits.

Do you want more energy and to not feel bad at the end of the day? Would you like to have more patience? Maybe get on the floor and play with your grandchildren? These are all possible. And I can support you.

I have 3 spots open in my calendar right now to support those who are feeling called to take back control of their life – and health – by living from a place of purpose and not just from habit! If you’d like to schedule a time to connect about the possibility of working together, please email me and we’ll schedule a time to talk. I would love to support you in being your best self!

8 Responses to Habit or Priorities?

  1. Great reminder to be intentional in planning and taking action (thoughts –> actions –> habits –> outcomes). It is important to get our priority straight and then make time for it. Otherwise, life happens and before we know it, time just slips through our fingers. I am all about intentionality.

  2. Sherry Brier says:

    As I watch the posts of women on WomenRockProject.com I see how their positive thoughts and intentions manifest into joyful,purposeful lives. I know it’s hard when immersed in what people call the “real world” to really believe that we create our life with our thoughts. The first
    precept of all the mystery schools through the ages is that “thought is creative” – what you think about will surely manifest. We have to have the courage to leap into the world of possibility and take a chance on standing alone against consensus thought. We are lucky to be living now in a time when we can get support for stepping out of the norm and experimenting with our lives.

  3. Liz Blizz says:

    Aaaah awesome post about reminding us that life not just happen, we can actually take responibility BEFORE something happens. I also totally agree that it is our HABITS that decide how we live our life, and that we can change our habits. Rome wasn’t built in one day, but we can change over time, if we want to. Too often I find myself sitting on the fence complaining about lack of time and structure, but are not DOING anything about it. Change of HABIT is much needed!

  4. Michelle White Hart says:

    Thanks, Tammy, for bringing to our attention how important it is for us to focus on our priorities, and not just do things from habit. 🙂

  5. Jesse Webb says:

    Tammy, thank you for this reminder to live from a place of purpose instead of habit. I can see how I am very often just living habitually, and I am excited to bring more purpose and intention into my daily life. 🙂

  6. Hi Tammy! Thank you for a great reminder to stay tuned in to my priorities, not just allow habits to mindlessly fritter away time. I am at a place in my life and business where I am paying a lot of attention to how I feel and how I spend time. I am developing the biz in ways that feel amazing and nurture me rather then feeling heavy or draining me. A lot of this has to do with my schedule and routine and how I spend my days. So this article was timely and a great reminder to stay the course! And I must because this is what I teach other women entrepreneurs how to run their lives and develop their businesses as well!

    As business owners it’s ironic how easy it can be to get in the trap of being a cog in the wheel or to feel like an overworked employee. But we are business owners! We are in charge. So we must step back and step into our power, remembering that we hold the keys to designing the business in a way that feels amazing and expensive and easy and fun. I am creating a business that supports the lifestyle I desire, the income I desire, provides huge value for my clients, and nurtures me and my family. I am happy and grateful to be doing this and supporting other women to do the same!

    • tammy says:

      It is a pleasure Andrea, yes we need little reminders as they are good to help us fine tune our selves. Sounds like you are creating a wonderful business.

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