Is it time to wake up to your life?

It is time to wake up to your greater purpose, passion and pleasure? Is it time for you to reconnect with your heartfelt desires and let go of the old programming of what success and happiness is? Is it time to learn to listen in a deeper way to your heart and your body?

I hope you’re shaking your head YES!

Your body and heart have been ringing the alarm for a while and you have been hitting the snooze button waiting to stay in your comfy sleep of life following the crowd, doing what society says. It’s time to change that!

Check out these 4 signs that you have been hitting the snooze of your life.

alarm clock, wake up conceptSign #1: Have you been saying, “Is this all there is?”

You may have reached a plateau, a destination that you have been focusing on for a long while. Now you have arrived and are feeling rather flat. In my opinion, this is a great short term resting place to take count; it is a time of vast choice and potential opportunity!

Sign #2: You are experiencing signs of anxiety or feeling overwhelmed.

This may include things like heart palpitations, breathing issues, tightness in the chest, panic attacks, and lack of focus or clarity.

Sign #3: Perhaps you are experiencing body pain, maybe feeling sluggish or lack of energy.

Sleepless night’s have become the norm. Either you can’t turn off your brain at night or when you wake up in the middle of the night, you are then wide-awake and your brain is full on.

Sign #4: You find yourself often worrying or you have a lot of conflict in your life.

Worry and conflict both give you negative energy and at the same time drain you of you positive life force energy. These are really detrimental to your health and your happiness.

All these symptoms are draining your life force energy. Yes, they are also AGING you!

Rather like one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake as you are trying to drive to your destination in life.

The brake is preventing your passion and pleasure from truly flowing and allowing you to be in your high vibration of Joy.

Could it be possible that there is so much joy and pleasure wanting to be experienced and you are completely unaware of it because you are caught up in the day-to-day busyness and energy sucking activities that won’t mean a lot in 6 months?

Think back to the last 6 months… what are your memorable experiences? Some may be challenges, but rather than looking at them as problems, consider what were the opportunities they represented.

Maybe you’re in a relationship that is in the tank and draining your energy. It’s decision time – stay the same and let it drain you or reframe it to look at it in a different light? Put some boundaries around it. Look at your role and try not to blame the other person.

The same goes for a health challenge – what can you learn from it? What is your body trying to say and you have not been listening? What are all the good things that can come the experience?

In business, are you feeling overwhelmed? What is the opportunity? How can you look at things from a higher perspective?

It is time to bring in greater awareness into our lives and into business. Fuelling up with lots of good high vibrational activities and nutrition. (Next time I will shed more light on what these are!)

In the meantime become aware of what is draining you and how you can reframe things. Ponder your attitude around passion and pleasure.

Share below about where you are being drained or feeling stuck or speak about what brings you passion and where you feel it. I can’t wait to hear from you!





6 Responses to Is it time to wake up to your life?

  1. Sherry Brier says:

    Hi again Tammy. I’m so glad we are continuing the circle. You hit it right on the head with sign #1: “You may have reached a plateau, a destination that you have been focusing on for a long while.” After 30 years of following my passion for dance, I began WomenRockProject.com.
    Now I’m ready to launch the project and I’m overwhelmed and realizing that I need a lot of help to pull this off. I just have to stay awake and be grateful that I have the opportunity to follow my new passion.

  2. Johanna says:

    Dang I have everything on this list! Where to begin! I definitely feel overwhelmed in my entire life and esp in my business. I am a single mom and just ended a stressful divorce. I am become more and more tired on a daily basis. I wish I had something positive to say and all I can say in this moment is that am pretty damn frustrated when I think about my life….grrrrr

    • tammy says:

      Thanks Johanna for sharing. Be kind to yourself, it sounds like you have been dealing with a lot of change and stress. It takes a bit of time to rebuild your resources and your energy, which includes being kind to yourself.

  3. Patricia says:

    Great Article! For me what drains me is feeling overwhelmed in regards to time. I do know what I have to do (like getting kids meal and clothiers ready for school in the morning the night before, and shut down email n fb when I am on my “focus time”. So I know what to do but i often find my self sabotaging and putting up fires, then wasting a lot of time

    • tammy says:

      Thanks Patricia. Congratulations, you are aware of what is draining and overwhelming you. Awareness is the beginning to create change.

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