How healthy are you REALLY?

Do you want to know what rocked me and sent shivers rushing through my body recently?

I got word the other day that a friend in their early 50’s, a friend who looked great, was in great shape, did ski patrol as regular exercise and ate healthy, had suddenly suffered a stroke and, as a result, has suffered some paralysis.

Their life is forever changed, and certain dreams have died.

This hit me really hard, because I have been in a similar situation where your life changes forever and it is completely out of your control!

Situations like this makes me ask the question that you probably assume you know the answer, but is it really correct?

How healthy are you REALLY?

Does health include your business and workplace, your relationships? What indicators are you using?

There is a system where you can tell what systems are deficient in your body, this allows you to be proactive and do something preventative before it is too late.

When it comes to your health, do you like to be reactive or proactive?

Free Happy Woman Enjoying Nature. Beauty Girl Outdoor.Our current medical system takes a reactive approach. It is like the fire truck arriving when the house is burning. Many people live this way, thinking it will never happen to them.

Proactive is being curious about your health, looking outside the box, having an intention of having good health followed by learning about good nutrition and supplements, creating more joy, allowing greater pleasure, supporting the body, mind and spirit in many positive ways. Enhancing your vibration, having kind thoughts.

In business, it is showing appreciation to your staff, communicating in a win/win manner, letting them know the vision of the organization, allowing them to participate and own their piece of contribution so they feel valued.

As a business owner you want to be in high vibe, which enables you to be a better leader. Maintaining high vibration means more patience and having things line up with ease. I love my regular business owners/directors who notice how caring for themselves makes business easier and they manifest new opportunities easier and with more flow.

Chances are, if you are dragging your butt, not fully in the game or getting the results you desire in your personal life, things are probably the same for your business.

What is it that gives you great pleasure and makes your heart sing?

What would it feel like if you were more vibrant and full of energy? What would be different as a result?

What are you avoiding and putting off? How much is it costing you? Is it time for change?

How would your life and/or business be impacted if it suddenly changed without notice?

I’d love to support you in making your health – whether it be your business health or your personal health – a priority. Please contact me here to schedule a strategy session and let’s make your health a priority in 2015!

5 Responses to How healthy are you REALLY?

  1. Great reminder to regularly check in – not just our physical health but also the health of our business! We tend to think everything is ok if things are plugging along… but if we don’t check in regularly we may overlook some less obvious issues.

  2. s says:

    When I think of life suddenly changing in a negative way, my reaction is to check my bucket list. This often leads to daydreaming if I can’t drop everything and go. I try not to consider the negative possibilities as it takes me out of the moment and I want to escape. Learning to be present is the healthiest course for me.

  3. I love how you made the analogy of self-care as prevention for health as being like proactively treating our businesses with exquisite care, excellence, and love as well! Let’s treat ourselves, our clients, our businesses, and our families like the Goddesses we are and the treasures they are.

    Love it!
    Thank you.❤️

    • tammy says:

      So beautifully put Andrea, let’s live and share the love and appreciate the treasures that surround us, so we can all grow and expand.

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