Listening to the Whispers

In this fast pace world where things seemingly are getting busier and faster, it’s hard to take a breath.

How often do you wish you had more energy or more time in the day?

Listen to the whispers.

黄色の水仙の花畑Yes, we all have them. It really is a matter of having the other noises quiet enough to sense them. Often they are gentle. Many people have said that they hear them more when in nature.

As I sit writing this, I have fresh daffodils from my garden. The scent from them is amazing. As I notice a bit of a blank in my mind, I stop and appreciate the beauty and the fine elements and details that compose the flower. It brings me into the present moment and connected to something greater than myself. I find that the ideas start to flow.

In many different traditions, the breath can also be used to come to the present moment.

Flow is very powerful and it is natural in nature. It is also natural in us. However, as humans, we often stop the flow when in fear, lack or any other negative emotion or state.

Listen to the whispers.

Some people may find the whispers show up as a reoccurring smell, a symbol like a coin or music of a particular song often playing out of nowhere. It could also be particular words or phrases and when you see them something pings within you.

Listening for the whispers is similar to a ship following it’s GPS in the fog… when it listens, it keeps on the right path and ends at the right destination.

Listen to the whispers. 

I would love to know how you receive your whispers and what your experience is, so please share below.

13 Responses to Listening to the Whispers

  1. Great reminder to be still and listen! As a recovering type A over-thinker, I can totally appreciate that space. The more I experience it, the more powerful it is. The blank, the gap, the suspended time… is where intuition and creative genius comes through.

    • tammy says:

      Congrats Ling, for taking the time to be still and hear the whispers. It can be a challenge to make the shift but so worth it in many ways, creativity to increased energy.

  2. Liz Blizz says:

    Thank you for the reminder, I love everyone who reminds me of going inside, take a deep breath and remember our origin. I never get enough of that. And listen in to ourself and beeing in the now. I also find flowers one of the best ways to connect with the present moment.

    • tammy says:

      Glad to hear you take sometime to listen. I don’t know if you use essential oils to connect to the present, they can be very helpful.

  3. Deb Coman says:

    Such great reminders to be still and listen. It is so hard to find the time and the space to do this, especially on a regular basis but I try to look for opportunities to sit by my water fountain, light a candle and listen for the whispers. Thank you for sharing these wonderful reminders, so needed today.

    • tammy says:

      It is a pleasure Deb, to share. You may find it helpful to set a timer like a daily appointment for even 2-3 minutes a couple times a day and monitor the results. You may find them profound.

  4. Thank you for the reminder to listen to the whispers! My soul navigates life best and I have the most creative ideas when I sleep enough, have quiet time alone (usually walking outside), minimize stress, and take excellent care of myself. I like the idea that if we listen we will end up where we are supposed to be even if at times we cannot see our way there.

  5. Sherry Brier says:

    I just posted for Week 7 and my Newsflash is about Flowers. I love the experience of synchronicity – it’s always a great reminder to listen carefully. I was just on vacation in Mexico and had the time to ground, center and listen. I’d been driving myself crazy about the direction to take with Women Rock Project, but I just didn’t know what to do. When I finally slowed down enough to listen, I realized that I had been writing two things to the bottom of my list over and over. They were exactly the things I not only needed to do, but wanted to do. I definitely felt like the cat chasing her own tail. I love your phrase, “Listen to the whispers”.

  6. Tara Preston says:

    Hi Tammy, what a beautiful post.

    I have many ways I listen to the whispers! Walking, breathing, and presence are probably my staples. I’m also a certified Soul Art Guide, and love to use this process during the gentle and inward energies of the new moon to connect to how my spirit is guiding me forward into greater expression for the next cycle.

    Thank you.

  7. Love these reminders for us to be still and listen to what wants to unfold for us. Beautiful post, Tammy, and a beautiful reminder!


  8. Jesse Webb says:

    Love this reminder to listen to those gentle, quiet whispers! I definitely hear that whisper better when I’m in nature, and I love your example of how something as simple as a bouquet of flowers can serve as that prompt back into the present moment. 🙂

    • tammy says:

      Thanks Jesse, I suspect you hear some whispers as well when you are doing your creative work.
      Yes, I find flowers with a lot of scent just have a way of capturing and pulling me in.

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