Say Yes to Breaking a Bad Habit

Spring is a time of renewal and what better way to celebrate it then shedding a bad habit that is keeping you chained to a detrimental way of thinking or acting. It can be very hard to break a bad habit especially if it developed as a response to a negative situation. Overeating, excessive drinking, lying on the couch instead of exercising are all examples of negative responses creating more negativity.

What can you do to ensure success when trying to get that monkey off your back? Here are three suggestions:

1. Truly want to change. If you are tackling a change that is being imposed on you by others, there is a slim chance that you will actually succeed. You have to want to do this for yourself. You must identify with your reasons for wanting to change. Write them down and connect to your core reasons.

2. Develop a plan. If you’re a smoker, there are going to be triggers that will call your name at every turn. Figure out how you’re going to deal with those triggers and set yourself up for success.

3. Surround yourself with others who exhibit the behaviour you want in your life. Want more exercise? Find a group who is passionate or at the very least who incorporates a healthy lifestyle. Start a lunch walking group at your workplace and get others involved. Humans are gregarious creatures and when others share your same outlook, it is easier to maintain your new, healthy habit.

Don’t forget to celebrate your success once you have developed your new healthy habit!

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