What Keeps You From Asking?

Do you always ask for what you want? My guess is “No.” Asking for what you want could be improved for most people.

3 Reasons why you don’t ask for what you really want.

1. You don’t know what you want.
You are used to going with the flow. Your mind is full of stories and limiting beliefs about why it is not good to ask for what you really want. For many, you learned this as a child and how you were to behave.
Your heart is shut-down, therefore you aren’t used to listening to what your heart and body are saying.
Don’t blame yourself for this. When you were young, you learned a lot of reasons why not. Gradually over time you forgot how to listen to your heart and body wisdom, maybe even told not to listen to your feelings.

2. You don’t know how to ask for what you want.
This can happen in your personal life with friends, family and kids. It can also happen in business with your staff, business associates or suppliers.

3. Afraid that you will be told “No”.
For many people being told no means rejection and most people don’t like rejection. There are some who have learned to re-frame it; to them no means next and one request closer to a “Yes”.

In my massage and coaching practice, I have seen people unable to communicate what they want or speak up for what works for them. This difficulty can show up negatively in many ways.

If you start asking for what you want and making requests it creates more clarity. Others will know where they stand. Direction is more specific, thereby creating less confusion, assumptions and potentially less disappointment.

There will be increased creativity and alignment which will positively manifest in relationships, communication, and business experiences.

A few tips to get started in asking for what you really want:

*Tune-in by going into your body with sensing and feeling what you desire. This could include doing a visualization, where you breathe, becoming calm and still then asking for what you desire.

*Start asking and speaking up. What I say to my clients is, “It’s ok if you don’t know the words to describe it. The words will come and they always do, even if it is a sensation that you aren’t used to describing, and that’s OK.
Voila, before long the words are there and you will feel much lighter and empowered.

*Set a goal each day to make 3 requests and make one of them really bold.

*If you get told “no” remember it is not personal. Breathe and go on.

When you don’t ask for what you really want, you aren’t fully living! Getting the fullness that life has to offer is like becoming visible when you’ve felt invisible, feeling stronger when before you were vulnerable, and being open to receiving all that fullness of life experiences and vibrancy. Be willing to take the risk.

I would love it if you would take this on and then share your experience with me below.

41 Responses to What Keeps You From Asking?

  1. ooh I love this. I’m a risk taker and I love a challenge! Since reading this, I asked my Dad to post me a jacket that my daughter left at his house and he said yes!

    • tammy says:

      Yeah, Naomi. Amazing what happens when we take a risk and ask for what we want.

    • Chelsi says:

      So excited I found this article as it made things much qukriec!

    • noviembre 29, 2012 a las 3:41 ameso pasa xq siempre en la liga master emipezas asi y luego te vas ganando mas botines y les puedes poner esos botiens a tus jugadores Responder

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    • gera dijo 0  0 no puedo actualisar mi warcraft como hago cuando entro a battle net dice que la clave del disco no es valida ayundenme pssssssssssssssssss

    • eres bien linda HOLA GISELA BUENAS NOCHES BUENO SOY SEGUIDORA TUYA DESDE QUE esta en la televicio me gusta mucho en la noche te veo con mi hijo QUE SUFRER DE RESTADO Y EN PILECIA

    • Estoy de acuerdo con Mateu segui en cuanto que ningun abogado de oficio debe renunciar de realizar la defensa de un caso por muy duro que sea. Si renuncia asume la culpabilidad del sujeto y deja de actuar como abogado para convertirse en juez.Creo que la profesión de los abogados es bastante complicada.Tienes que no implicarme emocionalmente, mantener frialdad en la tarea en si, ser muy objetivo. En los casos como los de Marta del Castillo se produce cambios de abogados defensores.Muy buen articulo.Un saludo. Matilde

    • Thanks for stopping by, everyone! We're having a technical glitch with RG's book excerpt-goes to another Wicked book-our apologies! But the Wicked series is all awesome. :)So glad to see everyone talking about loving the costumes! The Smutekteers are a bunch of costume geeks-especially RG and me. And now that we're roomies, we have an entire closet just for our costumes! I like to open it up and just gaze adoringly.:)I can't do the scary movies (HUGE chicken!), but I think RG and I are going to see Young Frankenstein at a local theater after the trick-or-treaters are done-fun!Eden/Eve 🙂

    • Well, i had a turkey, swiss and bacon wrap that was very tasty. Kenny had a hot taylor ham with american cheese hoagie. He got halfway thru and felt like the ham was too hammy. So i won the sandwich competition. oD

  2. Jessica says:

    Asking for what I want is something I had to learn. The bigger the thing I ask for the more I need to consciously center and connect with my why, my deepest truth and my power to open up to receive. Asking for what I want means taking the risk of having a ¨no¨ as an answer but it is so worth it. Knocking on doors means that doors to wonderful things will open up. Love!

  3. Brianna Hall says:

    Ahhh, yes! SUCH a hard thing to do – for the longest time I was stuck not even knowing *what* I wanted. I’m stretching those muscles more and more each day, focusing on being clear about what I want when communicating with others. It’s funny, we tend to be afraid that we’ll hear ‘no’ if we speak directly – or that we’ll offend. BUT in reality, it usually just gives everyone a sense of relief to know up front what’s expected or needed!

    • tammy says:

      So true Brianna, it is also us owning and staying in our power when we have the courage to speak our truth.

      • Torie says:

        It’s always a relief when someone with obvious exreptise answers. Thanks!

      • http://www./ says:

        think your comment is excellent.I am going to sing Mrs the birthday song to her too.Happy birthday to youHappy birthday to youHappy birthdy dear Mrs MorrisHappy birthday to youHip Hooray!I love the song you did in the comment you did.Did you like the song I did?Love,Meg

      • Olá, meninas! Uso o X-Tenso a 5 anos e nunca tive problemas. Faço o alisamento e a partir do mês que vem passarei para o relaxamento pois quero dar um aspecto mais natural. O segredo está no profissional. Tem que saber passar não aconselho passar o produto em casa. O barato sai caro. Eu super recomendo este produto meu cabelo nesses cinco anos não teve uma quebra ou queda. Quem quiser mais informações pode me mandar um e-mail.Patricia

      • Bianca Toledo Piza / Nome: Bianca Toledo PizaData do show: 10 de maioCidade do show: São Paulo – Villa CountryE-mail: Rede social: facebook.com/biatoledopizaGD Star Ratingloading…

      • I’m out of league here. Too much brain power on display!

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  4. I have found comfort in the discomfort of speaking my truth and asking for what I want. After the tightness, there’s a liberation that is pretty awesome. It takes practice, but totally worth the while. Still working on it 🙂 Thanks Tammy!

    • tammy says:

      Thanks for sharing your experience and liberation Erika.

      • Essie says:

        Heck of a job there, it abtolusely helps me out.

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      • Hola,Buen artículo y buena entrevista,siempre se aprenden cosas leyendo. A partir de ahora mirare de otra manera una corbata antes de comprarmela. A ver si me hago con una drake´s para usarla como referenca de lo bien hecho.Sí alguien puede poner sobre que precio rondan estas corbatas me sería de gran ayuda tener una ligera idea de la cantidad a desembolsar. gracias.Un cordial saludo.

  5. Alix Rager says:

    At a young age, I equated asking for what I want with being a burden. Now THAT is a tough one to overcome! Still have to work on that from time to time. Thanks for your ideas.

  6. Angela May says:

    You’re so right….I especially agree with the notion that nothing is every personal! 🙂

  7. Jesse Webb says:

    YES! Love this, Tammy. 🙂 I am READY to get more clear on what I want and to start ASKING for it. Thank you for this reminder!

  8. Showerthought: I wonder if people in China post images of shirts or tattoos with weird Chinese translations on their version of

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