Tag Archives: meditation


Work/life balance

The Globe and Mail published a story by Josh O’Kane stating that Canadians are moving further away from having a balanced work and home life. Some of the statistics are quite shocking. “half of the survey’s respondents took home work


Fear and anxiety be gone when going to the dentist

I want to share a personal experience I recently had when I went to get some dental work done. Ugh, I don’t know about you but it is not my favorite place to hang out. I had my 1st cavity


Meditation workshop | May 28

Meditation with essential oils Participants will learn * How to calm the mind and focus with the combination of essential oils and meditation. * How to experience some of the many benefits of essential oils * Ways to incorporate these


Meditation workshop | April 16

Meditation with essential oils Participants will learn *How to calm the mind and focus with the combination of essential oils and meditation. * How to experience some of the many benefits of essential oils * Ways to incorporate these ideas


Meditation workshop | March 19

Meditation with essential oils Participants will learn * How to calm the mind and focus with the combination of essential oils and meditation. * How to experience some of the many benefits of essential oils * Ways to incorporate these


Insomnia keeping you awake at night?

Busy brain, stress, and feeling overwhelmed can all wreak havoc on your sleep. If insomnia is keeping you up at night, meditation along with the following 4 tips can help you to find the peace of mind you need to


Meditation with Oils – January 23, 7 p.m.

Meditation Workshop Lifestyle Harmony’s theme for 2012 is Navigating through Uncertainty. Join Tammy on January 23 at 7 p.m.  for Meditation with Essential Oils Participants will learn How to calm the mind and focus with the combination of essential oils


Maintain a Positive Attitude like Michael J. Fox

I recently came across a very motivational news article written by Cassandra Szklarski, The Canadian Press, about Michael J. Fox. He is truly inspirational in that, in spite of a debilitating disease, he has maintained his positive attitude. In the


Do you ever feel overwhelmed, out of control or stressed?

If you answered “no” you are amazing! Most of us feel it at some point to various degrees. There are many solutions. Meditation can be one. There are many misunderstandings of meditation, like it’s what the hippies did back in


Spring is in the Air

I love hearing the birds singing as the sun comes up and daylight breaks during my morning runs along our beautiful waterfront. It’s always a reminder of spring just coming when you see the crocuses pop out of the ground.