Tag Archives: busy brain


Insomnia keeping you awake at night?

Busy brain, stress, and feeling overwhelmed can all wreak havoc on your sleep. If insomnia is keeping you up at night, meditation along with the following 4 tips can help you to find the peace of mind you need to


Beat the Dark Day Blues

Fall is here. The nights are longer and I was reminded the other day that it will be another 3 months before the days will start getting lighter. Don’t despair! Below are 3 ways to help battle the dark day


A Great Massage – Tip #13

Relax the mind- focusing on breathing can be very helpful.  Often when you tell a busy mind to relax and turnoff, resistance comes up and it can tend to get even busier, so the thing to do is give brain


Do you ever feel overwhelmed, out of control or stressed?

If you answered “no” you are amazing! Most of us feel it at some point to various degrees. There are many solutions. Meditation can be one. There are many misunderstandings of meditation, like it’s what the hippies did back in

Have You Ever Considered Meditation

Have You Ever Considered Meditation

Meditation helps us connect with our greater aspect, gives a different view, clarity, can help slow the busy-brain down. Here are some tips to get you started.