Spring is in the Air

I love hearing the birds singing as the sun comes up and daylight breaks during my morning runs along our beautiful waterfront. It’s always a reminder of spring just coming when you see the crocuses pop out of the ground.

Changes are Also in the Air

We are seeing changes all around us, on the world front with Egypt and Libya, plus the recent earthquake and nuclear concerns in Japan, and then locally we have upcoming elections on all fronts.

What about in your life? Are you dealing with changes? I talked about changes in January as we set new goals and New Years Resolutions. How are you doing with them or have they been forgotten about? It’s never to late to make changes. However, as humans we say that we are willing to change and some people thrive on it, while most actually resist it. Have you noticed the more we resist something the more it persists? Often the resistance doesn’t support our dreams and desires or our greatest good.

Tips for Change

Review goals, maybe you need to modify them. Sometimes small changes are better, providing you maintain them. Set yourself up to win. We all like WINS!

TRY Essential Oil- Cypress – supports change

The essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the Cypress Tree. It is a very good oil when it comes to dealing with all aspects of change, physically its aids weight loss, elimination of toxins, its antispasmodic can help with coughs and muscle cramps. For the mind it has a calming effect even for negative emotions, and it is also beneficial in small dosages for the skin. However due to it’s balancing nature, it is best avoided when pregnant. It blends well with citrus essential oils as well as woodsy scents.

Demystify Meditation – Learn to make Meditation work for you!

Meditation can assist with daily living in a variety of ways.

Learn how to:

  • Use meditation for daily living
  • Ease the busy brain and quiet the mind
  • To be more connected with your body
  • Use it in manifesting your goals and desires
  • Bring your body to a place of calm anytime
  • Cope with stress better

Plus – the many health benefits of meditation. You will benefit from this class if you have never meditated before and don’t know where to start or if you have been meditating for years.

DATE: April 20, 2011
TIME AND PLACE: 7-9pm at Lifestyle Harmony
COST: $30.
TO REGISTER: Contact Tammy or call 250-754-3930. Space is limited.

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