Nurture Yourself this Fall

We have had such an amazing fall. I have even been out recently on my motorcycle, when it’s sunny of course. Almost time to put it to bed for the winter.

When was the last time you were outside and scooped up a bunch of leaves, not to clear the grass, but just for the fun of it?   Try it! I did one morning and it felt wonderful – it touched the kid in me.  Yes, actually we all really do have one inside of us.  It’s just that sometimes we get caught up in being so mature, adult like, and serious in our busy lives that we forget to acknowledge the kid in us.  Try for yourself, see if a smile comes to your face.

What does fall mean to you?  This year in BC, Canada, our fall seems quite busy, especially for those involved with local politics.  Make sure you get out and vote Nov 19; it is our right and we need to exercise it.

Last month I spoke about the people of Bali and their rituals.  I know for me growing up and a young adult I didn’t like the word ritual. I connected it in a negative cult-like way. I would shut off when I heard the word ritual. Now, I have a much different perspective of it.  I see it as a routine, like many people might have in the morning as they get ready for work or school.  The next step is to bring sacredness to it. Everyone may express sacredness in a different way; it might include one’s higher power or beauty, gratitude or joy. This new behavior takes practise.  However, we can bring sacredness into every aspect of life.  To me, this gives life more meaning and purpose and I rather like that.  It is similar to active meditation.  Rituals also bring a greater richness or another element to life as we become more interconnected in all that we do. It can be a way of expressing gratitude.

The other day as I did a body wrap, I was aware I was performing one of my rituals.  Body wraps are so lovely for a variety of different reasons far beyond the fact they feel so good, being pampered for almost 1.5hrs.  They are fantastic for making changes or just for nurturing. The session reminds me of going in like a caterpillar and coming out like a butterfly.

Massage-bodywork this time of year is very good as we move through the seasons and the body adapts to the cool, damp weather.  If you’re experiencing aching bones, stiffness and low energy, a massage and an infrared sauna can help.  These treatments not only ease the transition between the seasons they also help to support a strong healthy immune system so you won’t get sick as easily.

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