May is Mother’s Day Month

Welcome to May. It is so lovely to see the sun coming out to visit us for the next five months or so. I have now started getting out in the garden and on the motorcycle and it feels so good! When we are in a busy world and so much change we can sometimes forget what it feels like to feel great or even just good for that matter.

Last month I did a meditation evening, everyone enjoyed it so much and wanted another. A few were unable to attend and the request was made to do another session. This will be held on May 26 2011,please see the details below. One of the many values of meditation is to learn to be aware of how we are feeling, and often we can go on autopilot and forget to connect and touch base with our inner self and to take the time to do things that make us feel good and experience joy.

Mother's Day MassageMother’s Day Special

Aromatherapy Massage Gift Certificate: Perfect Gift for any Mom

Includes consultation, a custom-blend of therapeutic essential oils, and an hour
massage with the oils.

Pure relaxation, where it is all about Mom.


Call (250) 754-3930 or email Tammy to get your certificate

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