Essential oils – more than a pretty smell

I am grateful to be living on the West Coast and being a part of BCAPA (British Columbia Association for Practicing Aromatherapists. In the world of aromatherapy it is well recognized internationally. We often have world renowned leaders and educators who come to Vancouver to teach. In the spring we had Robert Tisserand who has authored many books and is an international educator.

Recently, I attended another workshop that combined essential oils and acupuncture. There are some people in the US who are using essential oils rather than needles to do a treatment. This means that people are beginning to realize that there is so much more to aromatherapy and essential oils than just a pretty smell. Essential oils can help with anxiety, concentration, the feeling of being overwhelmed, breathing better, and relaxing the mind, and that’s just the beginning.

Some people ask me what is my favorite essential oil. My response is what is the purpose of the oil? My favourite depends on the situation and why I’m using it. For example, some of my favourite essential oils to help promote mental alertness in the afternoon are lemon, rosemary or peppermint. There are many others, of course, but these are my favourites.

Essential oils are a form of energy medicine. They are so powerful that even pharmaceutical companies use some of the valuable chemicals from essential oils to make pharmaceuticals. Stay tuned for more information on how you can incorporate essential oils into your daily life to help promote calm, well-being, and relaxation.

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