Category Archives: blog


What Keeps You From Asking?

Do you always ask for what you want? My guess is “No.” Asking for what you want could be improved for most people. 3 Reasons why you don’t ask for what you really want. 1. You don’t know what you


The Cost of Selling Out to Juicing Up

The other day I found myself having an inner dialogue I am not proud of having but it happened. The good thing is I caught myself. There was a desire I had and I just about missed the opportunity by


3 Tips to Spring Cleaning to Melt Away Stress

1. Start to become aware of the mind chatter, that little voice in your head, the automatic negative thoughts. The economy is so bad and business is so slow? I wish (insert thought) wasn’t this way. 2. Re-frame the automatic


Spring Cleaning to Let Go of Stress, and Anxiety to Have More Joy

With spring in the air, I have been hearing clients say it’s time to detox and do spring cleaning. It’s time to make a change and de-stress. Let go of congestion in life and the things that are no longer


3 Keys To Easily Turn Stress into Success

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Are the Winter Blues Getting You Down?

Have the dark grey days been getting you down a bit? Are you feeling like you have less energy? These are times when I love to use my essential oils in a diffuser. Orange oil is one of my favourites


February is heart month be kind to your heart for the Heart

Three ways of being kind to your heart: 1. Give appreciation to yourself and your heart; so often we are busy, busy doing, going and seldom take time to breathe and appreciate all our bodies do. Be kind to yourself.


What’s Your Star for 2014?

Whether you are in business, have a job or stay at home with your kids, setting goals and targets will help you move forward to achieve what you want in life. I have often heard a number of people say


The Time is Now…

To “Catch Your Star” is the theme for 2014. Last year I started creating themes for the year. For 2013, it was “Yes to Life”, which is also about being able to say “no” to things that are not congruent


Happy New Year – Gong Xi Fa Cai (Mandarin) and Gong Hay Fat Choy (Cantonese)

2014 – Year of the Horse – signifying people who are high-spirited, charming and fun to be with.The spirit of the horse is recognized to be the Chinese people’s ethos – making unremitting efforts to improve themselves. It is energetic,