Category Archives: blog


Better than a milkshake!

Eating 0n the Run This is my favorite shake; I like it even more than an ice cream milkshake! Strawberry or Raspberry Shake ¼ c Fresh strawberries or raspberries ¼ c Ice cubes ¼ c Yogurt (natural yogurt, non-sweetened) 1-2


Solstic Energy Drink special

Solstic Energy Drink Special $23.29 save 25%  (30 packets per box, 3.77 g each) A convenient, single-serving, all-natural energy beverage mix. Containing energy-boosting ingredients and powerful antioxidants: • guarana seed extract • grapeskin extract • decaffeinated green tea extract •


Try Something New

We are well into July and that means the year is half over. We talked about goals and New Year’s Resolutions at the beginning of the year. How are you doing with them? Do you even remember what they were?


Win a 1/2 Hour Massage

“Like” Lifestyle Harmony on Facebook before August 15th and you’ll be entered into a draw for a free 1/2 hour massage and a custom blend of essential oils. Already “like” Lifestyle Harmony? You’re already entered!


Good from bad…Game 7 Riot

Thanks Global TV for showing some of the good things coming from the riots, local people helping with clean up the morning after, writing on the wood that has replaced the windows and today(Saturday) the Bay hosting breakfast to the


June 2011 – Shake of the Month

Eating on the Run With things so busy are you like many who want to eat well and have healthy snacks but don’t have a lot of prep time?  A shake is one great solution. Try this healthy and tasty


Dealing with Change

Have you been reflective and considering how you are with change? We have so much worldly change going on even since the last newsletter: Bin Laden being killed, tornadoes in the southern US, fires in Slave Lake, Alberta, flooding in


What is an “Ah Ha” Moment?

A client recently shared their “Ah Ha” moment with me. It was, “I have a choice about priorities? I can either make my health a priority, by supporting my good health or make smoking my priority and destroying my health”.


May is Mother’s Day Month

Welcome to May. It is so lovely to see the sun coming out to visit us for the next five months or so. I have now started getting out in the garden and on the motorcycle and it feels so


Do you ever feel overwhelmed, out of control or stressed?

If you answered “no” you are amazing! Most of us feel it at some point to various degrees. There are many solutions. Meditation can be one. There are many misunderstandings of meditation, like it’s what the hippies did back in