What do C-difficile and pneumonia have in common? They create havoc with a weakened immune system, in fact they can both kill you!
If you keep a strong immune system you will protect yourself from sickness, C-difficile, pneumonia and a host of other immune deficiency disorders.
6 Easy Ways to keep your Immune System Strong
1. Elimination – sweat, bowels(daily), urination
2. Stay hydrated – drink 50% of your body weight in ounces per day
3. Eat a healthy diet, plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains avoid processed foods
4. Get regular exercise, not only is it good for the heart, but also the respiratory system which support the lymphatic system and the rest of the body.
5. Keep the stress in check, stress uses extra nutrients in the body, often leaving it deficient which results in a weakened defense more open to bugs and viruses’.
6. Take immune supporting and strengthening herbs.
Check out this month’s Health Specials for great deals on Immune Helpers