8 Quick Tips for Dealing with Change for Business or Life

I noticed a theme in the last couple of weeks when clients would come for a session with me when they would pull essential oil cards. Many pulled Cypress, which is great for dealing with change and allowing you to be supported through the process.

cypressCypress helps to bring structure and a sense of protection.

In today’s fast-paced world we are always dealing with change, whether it is in your personal life or business or both. In business, change is needed to deal with being competitive and deal with technology. Personal change of health, relationship, kids leaving home, moving, or work; the list of change is unlimited.

Change is natural and happens in nature all the time, however as humans we tend to resist and resent change strongly especially if it is not our decision. The resistance and resentment only makes matters more challenging.

The more one is willing to embrace the change, the easier it will be. It is not to say that that is what you want or you are in agreement, rather you will work with it and accept the change.

I know from my own life that some of the biggest changes I have had to deal with have brought the biggest blessings although it took some time to get to that place.

Here are 8 Key Strategies for Dealing with Change

  1. Be willing to embrace there is something more going on then meets the eye.
  2. Create a mantra, like “life supports me”, this helps to keep movement verses being stuck and resisting.
  3. Ask yourself, “How can something good come from this situation?”
  4. Remember to breathe. Often times you will want to hold your breath.
  5. Using essential oils like cypress, geranium, lavender, and vetiver all help in different ways to deal with change. You can inhale the scents as you breathe allowing them to take you to another world, helping you to feel more grounded and calm.
  6. Create support systems around you. It could be someone to talk to, journaling, and tracking your dreams to name a few.
  7. Practicing self-care is very key. Self-care is a way of self-nurturing and caring for yourself, that you matter and it will help you to go the distance and be less stressed.
  8. Gratitude, what are a couple of things that you can be grateful for. This will help to open your heart, generate some good feelings.

Some change can feel pretty lonely, because your world may have just been turned upside down while everyone else’s is going along as normal.

As you practice these strategies you can be open to good things coming and life unfolding in perfect order even though it may not feel that way to you in the moment. It will be revealed over time. An opportunity to remember patience.

Using these strategies regularly will help ease and shorten the process.

What do you use for dealing with change?

If you are dealing with change or ready to make change in your life, I can help you create a plan and create a life that makes your heart sing and have the life and business you have dreamed of.

When you are ready to make the change, I can help you get clear, discover your next steps and support you in getting into action. Email me now for a complimentary “Change Now Strategy” session to get started on the path to make the change to have your heart sing.

4 Responses to 8 Quick Tips for Dealing with Change for Business or Life

  1. There were so many good nuggets in this post! Thank you so much Tammy. My favorite for this week is “life supports me”, which I will be using thanks to you.” It feels so good already!

  2. Naomi says:

    Such great advice.
    I love the idea about creating support systems so they are in place when you need them.

  3. Liz Vequist says:

    Love your advice for using essential oils. I sometimes resist change, but always see when I look back that the change was what I wanted all along. I’m going to try using EO’s to make the transition a little smoother :).

  4. Brianna Hall says:

    My biggest lesson in my recent health challenges was your tip about support systems. I have always been very self-reliant, and never asked for any help from others. BIG lesson there — and it amazed me to find that there are so many in my life who WANT to help and provide support!

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