Work/life balance

The Globe and Mail published a story by Josh O’Kane stating that Canadians are moving further away from having a balanced work and home life. Some of the statistics are quite shocking.

  • “half of the survey’s respondents took home work with them.”
  • “one-third spend more than an hour e-mailing on their days off.”

Many of the respondents felt that being overworked meant they were functioning on less sleep and were essentially less productive.

What drives me in life is to help people to strike the right balance between all the aspects of their lives. When people are relaxed and are able to shut off the busy brain, they are able to get the much needed rest they require to function at their best. I’ve myself have experienced corporate burn out and loss that have sent my life in a completely different direction.

Just like an example in the Globe and Mail article, I had to make choices that would help me to lead my best life. While there are some good tips including how one person manages her overwhelming e-mail inbox, the first step is to recognize and acknowledge those time-draining activities that are pushing us further from our goal of being in balance.

Take a day, a week, or a month to track what you spend your time doing. If you’re continually distracted by your e-mail, then maybe closing it completely and only responding to requests at prescribed times will help you to stay focused on the tasks at hand. If you cannot sleep because your brain is running through your to-do list like a hamster on a wheel, then maybe introducing a 5-minute meditation into your nightly routine will help you to calm down and get the sleep you need to tackle tomorrow’s tasks with strength and gusto.

If you’re interested in learning about meditation and how you could benefit from it, please contact me. I have been practicing meditation for years and it has truly helped me to focus, relax, and strike that sought after life/work balance.

Live your best,


5 Responses to Work/life balance

  1. Crissy says:

    You’ve impsesred us all with that posting!

  2. You're back and looking sexxxy as hell! I love this outfit. You're such a glamorous little gypsy. Sigh. Boho chic at its finest. Always.I can't wait to hear about your trip. I've missed you. 🙂

  3. que pasa chula! ya veo que no paras de hacer fotos. solo quiero hacerte un pequeño comentario/sugerencia/critica constructiva.En todas las fotos hay demasiada información.Olvidate de la prensa.Queremos ver mas detalles con buena luz, e impactantes a un simple golpe de vista. De las primeras fotos que pasaste, la de enmedio, la del niño que está solo.Esa luz es genial, las sombras, un fondo que no distrae pero que es bonito. ya te digo no intentes meter tanta informacion a la foto.PD: Mandame a la mierda si quieres.PD2: Saludos a Ramón

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  5. Thanks, Teri. You’re the best! I appreciate the feedback you often offer on the blog. Not that many people post comments and I wonder sometimes how many are actually reading it. When someone comments I know at least that one person is reading!

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