What is Your Word or Theme for 2016?

What is Your Word or Theme for 2016?

I am so grateful to have you in my community, it really feels like it is going to be an exciting year.

I do not create resolutions for the New Year and haven’t for many years because they are not supportive, and most people will keep them for maybe 2 weeks, if lucky.

What I create is a word or theme for the year. I see it when I look at my vision board. Then at the end of the year I reflect on it as I do my year end review. I find if very empowering and supportive.

Last year it was Fuel your passion, fuel your life! I did just that, I discovered new passions like painting (art), and I started dancing which really supports my heart, it feels so good and allows energy in the body to move.

Ways to Find Your Word or Theme:

Ponder your desires – what would you like to achieve over the next year? How would you like to feel and what would you like to experience in 2016? What are you hoping will happen? What dreams do you want to nurture? What qualities do you desire?

As you visit these questions you will notice a word or a theme emerging. You may notice a couple of words surfacing. Great, sit and be with them and notice how you feel with the word. You want something that resonates deep within you.

My word for the year is Align. Bringing all aspects into alignment, and synchronize all aspects of my life and business.

I would love to know yours, please share here:

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