Weight loss and Cleansing

The New Year brings questions of weight-loss and cleansing. What should you do?

• 1st priority is to eliminate sugars, caffeine, preservatives, processed foods, eliminate red meat and drink lots of water.
• Next get some exercise.
• How is your elimination?  Did you know that it is best to have two to three bowel movements per day? Blockages in the plumbing can lead to reduced energy, low back aches, irritability, increased stress, reduced health as the body is not able to assimilate nutrients properly, and can even predispose the body to cancer. If your bowel movements are less than once per day, you want to focus on that first. There are a few different ways to do this.

o Drink water. You want to have 50% of your body weight in ounces per day. I.e., 150 lbs = 75oz water. Many people are dehydrated and don’t even know it. Start slowly by adding 125 ml a day. Initially you might be going to the toilet more often; however, the body will balance out.
o Increase the fibre content in your diet. Adding things like psyllium can be helpful as it is a natural eliminator
o Massage on the stomach in a clockwise direction.
o Reduce stress; stress can cause blocks in the plumbing
o Add probiotics to help restore healthy flora
o Incorporate herbs that help to nourish the bowels and rebuild them

More information on cleansing next month. If you want more details in the meantime, email Tammy or call 250.754.3930.

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