Maintain a Positive Attitude like Michael J. Fox

I recently came across a very motivational news article written by Cassandra Szklarski, The Canadian Press, about Michael J. Fox. He is truly inspirational in that, in spite of a debilitating disease, he has maintained his positive attitude.
In the article, he is quoted as saying, “You have to empower yourself, acknowledge what the situation is, acknowledge what your goal is and just move toward it…And that quest keeps me young, it keeps me involved. I don’t have time to get worse. (…) Fox stressed his positive outlook as the key to carrying him through life’s toughest moments.” You can follow the link to read the entire article.
In our very hectic, jam packed days, sometimes we need a bit of help maintaining our own positive attitudes. Meditation is one technique I use to create a relaxing environment needed to refocus and centre myself to foster positivity in my life.
I’d love to hear about what techniques you use to maintain a positive attitude.

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