What are you going to do this summer? Are you going to take some time to be relax and rejuvenate? I suggest you do a little of that, but it’s also a fabulous opportunity to think about your dreams.
When was the last time you even took the time to dream? What is it that you truly love to do? How do you love to feel? Go deeper and ask these questions again and see what answers you uncover.
What happens if you don’t really know what you love? That’s okay too. Start the exercise by exploring that which drains your energy or makes you feel awful.
Then examine the opposite to that. Take the next step – grab pen and paper and make a list. When you physically document what fulfills you, what gives you energy, and what motivates you, then you can see what actions you actually take to bring about those positive experiences.
Notice how it makes you feel to do this exercise. Do you feel uplifted, refocused, clearer, or more determined? Or do you feel frustrated, pessimistic, discouraged, or upset? This is yet another opportunity to examine what is and isn’t working in your life. Remember this is not a dress rehearsal, this is the real deal and we all only get one chance to live the life of our dreams!