Insomnia keeping you awake at night?

stones in the sandBusy brain, stress, and feeling overwhelmed can all wreak havoc on your sleep.

If insomnia is keeping you up at night, meditation along with the following 4 tips can help you to find the peace of mind you need to get a refreshing night’s sleep.

  • Stop caffeine, alcohol, energy drinks, and sugar by 3 p.m.
  • Take a few minutes to plan for tomorrow. Write down all that you need to do so that you can clear your mind.
  • Slip into salt bath with some calming essential oils and further relax your busy brain with the meditation techniques you will learn in my upcoming workshop on February 20.
  • Climb into bed, take a few deep breaths and let go of the day.

Sweet Dreams!

If for some reason this is not working after a few nights there could be some other factors at play. Contact me and we can discuss it.

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