Dealing with Change

Have you been reflective and considering how you are with change?

We have so much worldly change going on even since the last newsletter: Bin Laden being killed, tornadoes in the southern US, fires in Slave Lake, Alberta, flooding in various parts of Canada plus a change in our Federal Politics.  So far, everything listed here is pretty negative.

From experience I have found that the more we tend to focus on the negative the more we get. So, let’s look for some good. Let’s find ways of embracing some of this.

I know from growing up in Sayward, my family and I often faced floods and fires.  These trying times build character by calling us to rise to the challenge.  We learn tenacity and that we are capable of dealing with challenges.  Often it brings families and communities together as we learn to appreciate the small things in life. It has the possibility to give another aspect to richness.

On a personal level, as we learn to embrace change, we create a flow; the more we oppose change, the more resistance we get and the harder and harder life seems to get.  We don’t feel well and we get more stressed and irritable.  From experience, as we choose to embrace or surrender to the change, often it seems from out of nowhere there comes a helping hand and the more we practice this surrender the more easily flow seems to come along.

Sometimes synchronicity appears, you keep hearing or seeing something frequently, for example, the other day I heard the following quote 3 times in 1 day. “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”  Anais Nin. 

As you embrace the challenges during this evolutionary movement forward, essential oils can help to maintain balance and support change.  This is because there is healing in the scent. How is that?  It is the chemistry of the essential oil and how its qualities work with our brain and the limbic system which works with memory that can impact our psyche.

I have designed an essential oil blend that will assist us with change.  It has a lovely refreshing citrusy spring scent.  It will soon be available in a mist or anointing perfume blend, watch for the announcement in my blog.

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