Being a Registered Aromatherapist, I am proud that it is the highest standard in Canada that an aromatherapist can hold and that the designation is recognized internationally. In the past England was well known for its training in aromatherapy. Some
Category Archives: blog
Ground Yourself with Pine
Interestingly enough, I am also seeing trends of essential oils that are being chosen. The most recent has been pine. Pine is an essential oil that is much like the tree: firmly rooted, limbs reaching for the sky, strong needles.
Say Yes to Essential Oils
In my aromatherapy massage practice I now have a deck of essential oil cards. I ask clients to set their intention for their treatment, they blindly choose two or three cards, and I create their blend based on those three
Is Your Body Whispering or Screaming?
I have observed over the last month that more people are mentioning that they are feeling stuck, that life is a struggle, and that they battling sickness. Is this you? These are signs of an imbalance in the body. An
February’s Essential Oil Features
Cinnamon Passion is full of uplifting and aphrodisiac oils that are sure to ignite some passion! Romantic Rose is a floral passion blend that promotes a soothing, relaxed state. Does a special woman in your life deserve a little
February Service Special
Massage and Infrared Sauna for two $180 Relax together, achieve calm together, and rejuvenate together. What could be better for focusing on your relationship with that special person? Each person will experience an hour-long massage and a half-hour
Say Yes to Relationships
Child, parent, spouse, co-worker, friend, volunteer…navigating the landscape of our multiple roles in relationships is not always an easy journey. It can become even more challenging when our relationships with others are clouded by the fact that we are operating
February is Heart Month
3 Ways to Nurture and Nourish the Heart 1. Create supportive relationships with others and also ourselves. We can do this through expressing words of kindness and nice gestures. I recommend doing this daily to those you really care about.
Say Yes to Life
Last month I spoke about saying “Yes to Life.” However, this needs further clarification, because it does not mean saying yes to everything that comes your way. In fact it means saying “yes” to the things that support your dreams,
January Product Special | Cleansing Mist
EO Cleansing Mist is fabulous for clearing negativity and heavy energies. Have you ever noticed that some places are filled with a lot of stress, negativity or worry? This can cause you to not feel as alive or as happy