Creating Space for Desires in your Busy Life

Do you find sometimes there is very little time or space for some things that you would really like?

If you are like most, myself included, and sometimes say “I wish I had more hours in a day.” The interesting thing is, we all have the same amount of time.

3 Tips for Creating Time & Space

1. Use breath to create space in body and mind. You may think it sounds corny, however once you start using breath you will understand why. Focusing on your breath can take you into your body. You can feel your lungs expand, your heart slow down and feel a stillness come over you. It can be done anywhere and anytime. It can be very helpful for dealing with feeling overwhelmed and a racing mind or when you are in a disagreement with someone. “Just take a breath”. It automatically creates space. Breath brings you into present time, the now.

2. Create a special place in your home. A place where you can have solitude. In this space you will receive inner guidance. It may be a special chair or you may decide to create an alter that has special things placed on it, like a candle, special notes, flowers or pictures. Use things that support a connection to spirit. That part of you that is much larger than your ego and personality. Again, you can use your breath to bring you to stillness or a burning candle to focus on while in that special place.

3. The shower can be another place to create space. When you are in the shower, what goes on for you? Do find yourself thinking of your day, the kids or how good you want to look? Instead of those thoughts, what if you took a moment or two to feel the water beating down or slowly pulsating on you, being fully aware of how that feels on your back and the different sensations? I have found that it’s like time stands still and often a flood of “ah ha’s” enter my being. Ideas often that I wouldn’t have probably thought of otherwise if I was trying.

Notice how you feel when you give yourself even moments of space.

Creating space doesn’t have to take a lot of time. There should be more ease. Just like in spacious room with nice décor, it feels lovely, while one that is crowded and dirty feels the opposite. Kind of like a bright sunny day verses a grey cloudy, rainy day making you want to stay in and hibernate.

Give some of these ideas a try. Let me know what happens for you. I would love to hear. If you have already tried some of these or others, would you be kind enough to share your experience?

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12 Responses to Creating Space for Desires in your Busy Life

  1. Angela says:

    Ooh I love this. My evening candlelight and movie baths are my little heaven 🙂

  2. Naomi says:

    Thankyou for these beautiful tips. I LOVE shower time for the space that it gives me and I’ve just started burning candles everyday, I love the energy that they create! x

  3. AylA says:

    Perfect advice on ways to create space. I love getting outside and feeling the earth recycle any old energy I’m working through 🙂 as well as all the ones you noted! Thanks for this!

  4. Brianna Hall says:

    Great tips! I use candles all the time to align! I also have sacred space in my home, a little studio that is my soulful, creative escape. It’s instant inspiration! 🙂

  5. Jesse Webb says:

    I love this! And I love how even just these little things can create so much spaciousness. 🙂 🙂 One of my favorites is to just stop and sit for a few minutes, focusing on my breath and just being present here and now. It feels sooo good and creates that delicious spaciousness in my body and mind. 🙂 Thanks for these tips, Tammy!

  6. Liz Vequist says:

    Great tips Tammy! I find that I need a lot of space to feel happy. I live alone and work from home a lot so space is part of my lifestyle. But sometimes if I’m alone, I have to remember to create space that is free of distraction. I have my meditation space and my baths are definitely a way for me to access my emotional center.

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