40 things to say before you die

We’ve often heard people talk about experiences they’d like to have before they die. I recently came across an article that offers a twist on the traditional bucket list. “40 things to say before you die” by Jessica Hagy. This Forbes contributor offers 40 bite-size sayings with accompanying pictorial representations that provide a starting point to get the conversation flowing. What is interesting about this twist is that it places our relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and ourselves in the forefront.

The first that really spoke to me was #12 – “I earned this.” Hagy states, “There’s a layer of proud ownership over everything you possess that wasn’t merely given to you.” What this boils down to for me is the power of choice. From a kind and giving heart to an iPad, these comprise all that we possess. We need to feel proud of our choices and know that only our choices will move us in the direction where we want to go.

The second that rang true was #36 – “Thank you for making this possible.” Hagy’s thought here is that “nobody does anything alone. We’re driven and supported and thwarted by others at every turn.” This is an absolute fact. Sometimes, too, we must simply recognize that we cannot do it alone and that those that love and support us want to be involved in our successes. Opening our hearts and allowing others to help us in the way that they can creates much deeper bonds to one another.

You can read the other 38 thoughts here. I look forward to hearing which ones ring true for you.

Live your best, Tammy


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