Riding on the Wild Winds of Change

Riding on the Wild Winds of Change

The other day the wild wind caught my attention, next thing I noticed I was wandering down memory lane to when I was a child. I hated the wild wind as I child, I would get scared thinking it was going to cause damage to our house or destroy something else. The wind created a lot of fear in me. I know, a little extreme, however, probably common for many people. It made me want to go hide under cover.

How do strong, wild winds impact you? Have you ever paid attention to your thoughts or feelings with the wild winds? I’m not talking about a slight afternoon breeze, rather where the trees are leaning over as they dance in the wild wind, the gusts fling open doors, and send debris flying through the air, only the strong wild birds will fly while the others take cover knowing the wild wind will not last forever.

Today, I open my doors and windows. Allowing in the clear fresh energy, releasing the old stagnant energy. Today, the wind means change, letting go of what is no longer needed, making space for the new and a willingness to embrace my fears. I now know that doing this will help to truly live a life I desire, that is rich and full of wonder and contribution.

Over the years I have learned to embrace many of my fears, including my biggest ones like the loss of love, loss of money and self-esteem.

I imagine the wind going into those areas where fear, worry and old stagnant energy has lied for a long while, maybe even lifetimes. Now allowing those areas inside of me and my house to be cleansed, releasing the old energy. Creating space for the new energy, new possibilities and opportunities.

I invite you to embrace the wild winds of change and see what shows up in your life. What changes do you want to take the lead on for change? Lighten your load by saying goodbye to things that are no longer working for you.

A suggestion to assist in the process of this is an integrated bodywork massage that I do, which is different from most other therapist because I incorporate a custom blend of essential oils that you help design in conjunction with what is going on for you.

I’d also love to hear what your experience with change has looked like in the past. Please feel free to comment below.

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